Phone: (306) 842 - 4654
Fax: (306) 842-0522
Ron retired at the end of December 2012 and is still situated in Weyburn, Saskatchewan.
Ron practiced in all areas of law with some emphasis on Family Law. Ron was also a registered Collaborative Law lawyer in Saskatchewan. Collaborative law is a much less costly, non-adversarial approach to resolving family law issues such as custody and division of property.
Having served as an MLA, Ron gained insight into the operations of government bureaucracy. His clients benefited from his experience in matters involving government agencies and bureaucratic red tape.
Ron grew up in a solidly based Christian home just outside of Sedley, Saskatchewan. He has fond memories of his school days, playing baseball and hockey and of helping his father on the farm. Ron's schoolboy ambition was to become a lawyer. In 1972, he received his Bachelor of Laws and started Articling in Weyburn. Ron's university studies in economics and political science nurtured an interest in politics. In 1991, he was elected MLA for the Constituency of Weyburn and served one term under Roy Romanow.
Ron has taken special interest in farm issues as he actively farmed for ten years. Ron also donates much of his time to his church and the Tommy Douglas Performing Arts Centre and Ron is the president of the Weyburn Chapter of Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International.
Ron attended seminars regularly, keeping himself informed and up-to-date. He attended courses on Preparing Affidavits and Solicitor's Legal Opinions, Trial by Paper, New Family Law Rules, New Land Registration System, and Quick and Efficient Real Estate Closings.